
Writing large programs requires more discipline than writing small programs, due to the difficulty of managing all of the details of your program simultaneously. Abstraction (finding and exploiting similarities and near-similarities) and encapsulation (grouping specific details together and accessing them where they belong) are essential to managing this complexity.

Functions help, but functions by themselves aren't sufficient for the largest programs. Object orientation is a popular technique for grouping functions together into classes of related behaviors.

Perl 5's default object system is minimal. It's very flexible--you can build almost any other object system you want on top of it--but it provides little assistance for the most common tasks.


Moose is a powerful and complete object system for Perl 5. It builds on the existing Perl 5 system to provide simpler defaults, better integration, and advanced features from languages such as Smalltalk, Common Lisp, and Perl 6. It's still worth learning the default Perl 5 object system--especially when you have existing code to maintain--but Moose is the best way to write object oriented code in modern Perl 5.

Object orientation (OO), or object oriented programming (OOP), is a way of managing programs by categorizing their components into discrete, unique entities. These are objects. In Moose terms, each object is an instance of a class, which serves as a template to describe any data the object contains as well as its specific behaviors.


A class in Perl 5 stores class data. By default, Perl 5 classes use packages to provide namespaces:

        package Cat;

        use Moose;

This Cat class appears to do nothing, but Moose does a lot of work to define the class and register it with Perl. With that done, you can create objects (or instances) of the Cat class:

    my $brad = Cat->new();
    my $jack = Cat->new();

The arrow syntax should look familiar. Just as an arrow dereferences a reference, an arrow calls a method on an object or class.


A method is a function associated with a class. It resembles a fully-qualified function call in a superficial sense, but it differs in two important ways. First, a method call always has an invocant on which the method operates. When you create an object, the name of the class is the invocant. When you call a method on an instance, that instance is the invocant:

    my $fuzzy = Cat->new();

Second, a method call always involves a dispatch strategy. The dispatch strategy describes how the object system decides which method to call. This may seem obvious when there's only a Cat, but method dispatch is fundamental to the design of object systems.

The invocant of a method in Perl 5 is its first argument. For example, the Cat class could have a meow() method:

        package Cat;

        use Moose;

        sub meow
            my $self = shift;
            say 'Meow!';

Now all Cat instances can wake you up in the morning because they haven't eaten yet:

    my $alarm = Cat->new();

By pervasive convention, methods store their invocants in lexical variables named $self. Methods which access invocant data are instance methods, because they depend on the presence of an appropriate invocant to work correctly. Methods (such as meow()) which do not access instance data are class methods, as you can use the name of the class as an invocant. Constructors are also class methods. For example:

    Cat->meow() for 1 .. 3;

Class methods can help you organize your code into namespaces without requiring you to import (Importing) functions, but a design which relies heavily on class methods for anything other than constructors may be the sign of muddled thinking.


Every object in Perl 5 is unique. Objects can contain attributes, or private data associated with each object. You may also hear this described as instance data or state.

To define object attributes, describe them as part of the class:

        package Cat;

        use Moose;

        has 'name', is => 'ro', isa => 'Str';

In English, that line of code means "Cat objects have a name attribute. It's readable but not writable, and it's a string."

In Perl and Moose terms, has() is a function which declares an attribute. The first argument is the name of the attribute, in this case 'name'. The is => 'ro' pair of arguments declares that this attribute is read only, so you cannot modify it after you've set it. Finally, the isa => 'Str' pair declares that the value of this attribute can only be a string. This will all become clear soon.

That single line of code creates an accessor method (name()) and allows you to pass a name parameter to the constructor:

    use Cat;

    for my $name (qw( Tuxie Petunia Daisy ))
        my $cat = Cat->new( name => $name );
        say "Created a cat for ", $cat->name();

Attributes do not need to have types, in which case Moose will skip all of the verification and validation for you:

        package Cat;

        use Moose;

        has 'name', is => 'ro', isa => 'Str';
        has 'age',  is => 'ro';

    my $invalid = Cat->new( name => 'bizarre', age => 'purple' );

This can be more flexible, but it can also lead to strange errors if someone tries to provide invalid data for an attribute. The balance between flexibility and correctness depends on your local coding standards and the type of errors you want to catch.

If you mark an attribute as readable and writable (with is => rw), Moose will create a mutator method--a method you can use to change the value of an attribute:

        package Cat;

        use Moose;

        has 'name', is => 'ro', isa => 'Str';
        has 'age',  is => 'ro', isa => 'Int';
        has 'diet', is => 'rw';

    my $fat = Cat->new( name => 'Fatty', age => 8, diet => 'Sea Treats' );
    say $fat->name(), ' eats ', $fat->diet();

    $fat->diet( 'Low Sodium Kitty Lo Mein' );
    say $fat->name(), ' now eats ', $fat->diet();

Trying to use a ro accessor as a mutator will throw the exception Cannot assign a value to a read-only accessor at ....

Using ro or rw is a matter of design, convenience, and purity. Moose does not enforce any particular philosophy in this area. One school of thought suggests making all instance data ro and passing all relevant data into the constructor (Immutability). In the Cat example, age() might still be an accessor, but the constructor could take the year of the cat's birth and calculate the age itself based on the current year, rather than relying on someone to update the age of all cats manually. This approach helps to consolidate all validation code and helps to ensure that all created objects have valid data.

Now that individual objects can have their own instance data, the value of object orientation may be more obvious. An object is a group of related data as well as behaviors appropriate for that data. A class is the description of the data and behaviors that instances of that class possess.


Moose allows you to declare which attributes class instances possess (a cat has a name) as well as the attributes of those attributes (you cannot change a cat's name). By default, Moose does not permit you to describe how an object stores its attributes; Moose decides that for you. This information is available if you really need it, but the declarative approach can actually improve your programs. In this way, Moose encourages encapsulation: hiding the internal details of an object from external users of that object.

Consider how you might change the way Cat handles ages. Instead of requiring a static value for an age passed to the constructor, pass in the year of the cat's birth and calculate the age as needed:

    package Cat;

    use Moose;

    has 'name',        is => 'ro', isa => 'Str';
    has 'diet',        is => 'rw';
    has 'birth_year',  is => 'ro', isa => 'Int';

    sub age
        my $self = shift;
        my $year = (localtime)[5] + 1900;

        return $year - $self->birth_year();

While the syntax for creating Cat objects has changed, the syntax for using Cat objects has not. The age() method does the same thing it has always done, at least as far as all code outside of the Cat class understands. How it does that has changed, but that is a detail internal to the Cat class and encapsulated within that class itself.

This new approach to calculating Cat ages has another advantage; you can use default attribute values to reduce the code necessary to create a Cat object:

    package Cat;

    use Moose;

    has 'name',        is => 'ro', isa => 'Str';
    has 'diet',        is => 'rw', isa => 'Str';
    has 'birth_year',  is => 'ro', isa => 'Int',
                       default => sub { (localtime)[5] + 1900 };

The default keyword on an attribute takes a function reference which returns the default value for that attribute when constructing a new object. If the constructor does not receive an appropriate value for that attribute, the object gets that default value instead. Now you can create a kitten:

    my $kitten = Cat->new( name => 'Bitey' );

... and that kitten will have an age of 0 until next year. You can also use a simple value, such as a number or string, as a default value. Use a function reference when you need to calculate something unique for each object, including a hash or array reference.


A program which deals with one type of data and one type of behavior on that data receives few benefits from the use of object. Encapsulation is useful, to be sure--but the real power of object orientation is not solely in encapsulation. A well designed OO program can manage many types of data. When well designed classes encapsulate specific details of objects into the appropriate places, something curious happens to the rest of the program: it has the opportunity to become less specific.

In other words, moving the specifics of the details of what the program knows about individual Cats (the attributes) and what the program knows that Cats can do (the methods) into the Cat class means that code that deals with Cat instances can happily ignore how Cat does what it does.

This is clearer with an example. Consider a function which describes an object:

    sub show_vital_stats
        my $object = shift;

        say 'My name is ', $object->name();
        say 'I am ',       $object->age();
        say 'I eat ',      $object->diet();

It's obvious (in context) that you can pass a Cat object to this function and get sane results. You can do the same with other types of objects. This is an important object orientation property called polymorphism, where you can substitute an object of one class for an object of another class if they provide the same external interface.

Any object of any class which provides the name(), age(), and diet() accessors will work with this function. The function is sufficiently generic that any object which respects this interface is a valid parameter.

The benefit of the genericity in show_vital_stats() is that neither the specific type nor the implementation of the object provided matters. Any invocant is valid if it supports three methods, name(), age(), and diet() which take no arguments and each return something which can concatenate in a string context. You may have a hundred different classes in your code, none of which have any obvious relationships, but they will work with this method if they conform to this expected behavior.

This is an improvement over writing specific functions to extract and display this information for even a fraction of those hundred classes. This genericity requires less code, and using a well-defined interface as the mechanism to access this information means that any of those hundred classes can calculate that information in any way possible. The details of those calculations is where it matters most: in the bodies of the methods in the classes themselves.

Of course, the mere existence of a method called name() or age() does not by itself imply the behavior of that object. A Dog object may have an age() which is an accessor such that you can discover $rodney is 8 but $lucky is 3. A Cheese object may have an age() method that lets you control how long to stow $cheddar to sharpen it. In other words, age() may be an accessor in one class but not in another:

    # how old is the cat?
    my $years = $zeppie->age();

    # store the cheese in the warehouse for six months

Sometimes it's useful to know what an object does. You need to understand its type.


A role is a named collection of behavior and state (footnote: See the Perl 6 design documents on roles at http://feather.perl6.nl/syn/S14.html and research on traits in Smalltalk at http://scg.unibe.ch/research/traits for copious details.). A class is like a role, with the vital difference that you can instantiate a class, but not a role. While a class is primarily a mechanism for organizing behaviors and state into a template for objects, a role is primarily a mechanism for organizing behaviors and state into a named collection.

A role is something a class does.

The difference between some sort of Animal--with a name(), an age(), and a preferred diet()--and Cheese--which can age() in storage--may be that the Animal does the LivingBeing role, while the Cheese does the Storable role.

While you could check that every object passed into show_vital_stats() is an instance of Animal, you lose some genericity that way. Instead, check that the object does the LivingBeing role:

        package LivingBeing;

        use Moose::Role;

        requires qw( name age diet );

Anything which does this role must supply the name(), age(), and diet() methods. This does not happen automatically; the Cat class must explicitly mark that it does the role:

    package Cat;

    use Moose;

    has 'name',        is => 'ro', isa => 'Str';
    has 'diet',        is => 'rw', isa => 'Str';
    has 'birth_year',  is => 'ro', isa => 'Int',
                       default => (localtime)[5] + 1900;

    with 'LivingBeing';

    sub age { ... }

That single line has two functions. First, it tells Moose that the class does the named role. Second, it composes the role into the class. This process checks that the class somehow provides all of the required methods and all of the required attributes without potential collisions.

The Cat class provides name() and diet() methods as accessors to named attributes. It also declares its own age() method.

Now all Cat instances will return a true value when queried if they provide the LivingBeing role and Cheese objects should not:

    say 'Alive!' if $fluffy->DOES('LivingBeing');
    say 'Moldy!' if $cheese->DOES('LivingBeing');

This design approach may seem like extra bookkeeping, but it separates the capabilities of classes and objects from the implementation of those classes and objects. The special behavior of the Cat class, where it stores the birth year of the animal and calculates the age directly, could itself be a role:

        package CalculateAge::From::BirthYear;

        use Moose::Role;

        has 'birth_year', is => 'ro', isa => 'Int',
                          default => sub { (localtime)[5] + 1900 };

        sub age
            my $self = shift;
            my $year = (localtime)[5] + 1900;

            return $year - $self->birth_year();

Moving this code out of the Cat class into a separate role makes it available to other classes. Now Cat can compose both roles:

    package Cat;

    use Moose;

    has 'name', is => 'ro', isa => 'Str';
    has 'diet', is => 'rw';

    with 'LivingBeing', 'CalculateAge::From::BirthYear';

The implementation of the age() method supplied by the CalculateAge::From::BirthYear satisfies the requirement of the LivingBeing role, and the composition succeeds. Checking that objects do the LivingBeing role remains unchanged, regardless of how objects do this role. A class could choose to provide its own age() method or obtain it from another role; that doesn't matter. All that matters is that it contains one. This is allomorphism.

Pervasive use of allomorphism in your designs can reduce the size of your classes and allow you to share more code between classes. It also allows more flexibility in your design by naming specific collections of behaviors so that you can test the capabilities of objects and classes and not their implementations.

For a lengthy comparison of roles and other design techniques such as mixins, multiple inheritance, and monkeypatching, see http://www.modernperlbooks.com/mt/2009/04/the-why-of-perl-roles.html.

Roles and DOES()

Applying a role to a class means that the class and its instances will return true when you call the DOES() method on them:

    say 'This Cat is alive!' if $kitten->DOES( 'LivingBeing' );


Another feature of Perl 5's object system is inheritance, where one class specializes another. This establishes a relationship between the two classes, where the child inherits attributes and behavior of the parent. As with two classes which provide the same role, you may substitute a child class for its parent. In one sense, a subclass provides the role implied by the existence of its parent class.

Consider a LightSource class which provides two public attributes (candle_power and enabled) and two methods (light and extinguish):

        package LightSource;

        use Moose;

        has 'candle_power', is      => 'ro', isa     => 'Int',
                            default => 1;
        has 'enabled',      is      => 'ro', isa     => 'Bool',
                            default => 0,    writer  => '_set_enabled';

        sub light
            my $self = shift;

        sub extinguish
            my $self = shift;

Inheritance and Attributes

Subclassing LightSource makes it possible to define a super candle which behaves the same way as LightSource but provides a hundred times the amount of light:

        package LightSource::SuperCandle;

        use Moose;

        extends 'LightSource';

        has '+candle_power', default => 100;

The extends function takes a list of class names to use as parents of the current class. The + at the start of the candle_power attribute name indicates that the current class extends or overrides the declaration of the attribute. In this case, the super candle overrides the default value of the light source, so any new SuperCandle created has a light value of 100 candles. The other attribute and both methods are available on SuperCandle instances; when you invoke light or extinguish on such an instance, Perl will look in LightSource::SuperCandle for the method, then in the list of parents of the class. Ultimately it finds them in LightSource.

Attribute inheritance works in a similar way (see perldoc Class::MOP for details).

Method dispatch order (sometimes written method resolution order or MRO) is easy to understand in the case of single-parent inheritance. When a class has multiple parents (multiple inheritance), dispatch is less obvious. By default, Perl 5 provides a depth-first strategy of method resolution. It searches the class of the first named parent and all of its parents recursively before searching the classes of the subsequent named parents. This behavior is often confusing; avoid using multiple inheritance until you understand it and have exhausted all other alternatives. See perldoc mro for more details about method resolution and dispatch strategies.

Inheritance and Methods

You may override methods in subclasses. Imagine a light that you cannot extinguish:

        package LightSource::Glowstick;

        use Moose;

        extends 'LightSource';

        sub extinguish {}

All calls to the extinguish method for objects of this class will do nothing. Perl's method dispatch system will find this method and will not look for any methods of this name in any of the parent classes.

Sometimes an overridden method needs behavior from its parent as well. The override command tells Moose (and everyone else reading the code) that the subclass deliberately overrides the named method. The super() function is available to dispatch from the overriding method to the overridden method:

        package LightSource::Cranky;

        use Carp;
        use Moose;

        extends 'LightSource';

        override light => sub
            my $self = shift;

            Carp::carp( "Can't light a lit light source!" )
                if $self->enabled;


        override extinguish => sub
            my $self = shift;

            Carp::carp( "Can't extinguish an unlit light source!" )
                unless $self->enabled;


This subclass adds a warning when trying to light or extinguish a light source that already has the current state. The super() function dispatches to the nearest parent's implementation of the current method, per the normal Perl 5 method resolution order.

Inheritance and isa()

Inheriting from a parent class means that the child class and all of its instances will return a true value when you call the isa() method on them:

    say 'Looks like a LightSource' if     $sconce->isa( 'LightSource' );
    say 'Monkeys do not glow'      unless $chimpy->isa( 'LightSource' );

Moose and Perl 5 OO

Moose provides many features you'd otherwise have to build for yourself with the default object orientation of Perl 5. While you can build everything you get with Moose yourself (Blessed References), or cobble it together with a series of CPAN distributions, Moose is a coherent package which just works, includes good documentation, is part of many successful projects, and is under active development by an attentive and talented community.

By default, with Moose objects you do not have to worry about constructors and destructors, accessors, and encapsulation. Moose objects can extend and work with objects from the vanilla Perl 5 system. You also get metaprogramming--a way of accessing the implementation of the system through the system itself--and the concomitant extensibility. If you've ever wondered which methods are available on a class or an object or which attributes an object supports, this metaprogramming information is available with Moose:

    my $metaclass = Monkey::Pants->meta();

    say 'Monkey::Pants instances have the attributes:';

    say $_->name for $metaclass->get_all_attributes;

    say 'Monkey::Pants instances support the methods:';

    say $_->fully_qualified_name for $metaclass->get_all_methods;

You can even see which classes extend a given class:

    my $metaclass = Monkey->meta();

    say 'Monkey is the superclass of:';

    say $_ for $metaclass->subclasses;

See perldoc Class::MOP::Class for more information about metaclass operations and perldoc Class::MOP for Moose metaprogramming information.

Moose and its meta-object protocol (or MOP) offers the possibility of a better syntax for declaring and working with classes and objects in Perl 5. This is valid Perl 5 code:

    use MooseX::Declare;

    role LivingBeing { requires qw( name age diet ) }

    role CalculateAge::From::BirthYear
        has 'birth_year', is => 'ro', isa => 'Int',
                          default => sub { (localtime)[5] + 1900 };

        method age
            return (localtime)[5] + 1900 - $self->birth_year();

    class Cat with LivingBeing with CalculateAge::From::BirthYear
        has 'name', is => 'ro', isa => 'Str';
        has 'diet', is => 'rw';

The MooseX::Declare extension from the CPAN uses a clever module called Devel::Declare to add new syntax to Perl 5, specifically for Moose. The class, role, and method keywords reduce the amount of boilerplate necessary to write good object oriented code in Perl 5. Note specifically the declarative nature of this example, as well as the now unnecessary my $self = shift; line at the start of the age method.

One drawback of this approach is that you must be able to install CPAN modules (or a custom Perl 5 distribution such as Strawberry Perl or Strawberry Perl Professional which may include them for you), but in comparison to Perl 5's core object orientation, the advantage in cleanliness and simplicity of Moose should be obvious.

See perldoc Moose::Manual for more information on using Moose.

Blessed References

Perl 5's default object system is deliberately minimal. Three simple rules combine to form the simple--though effective--basic object system:

You've already seen the first two rules (Moose). The third rule is new. The bless builtin associates the name of a class with a reference, such that any method invocation performed on that reference uses the associated class for resolution. That sounds more complicated than it is.

The result is a minimal but working system, though its minimalism can be impractical for larger projects. In particular, the default object system offers only partial and akward facilities for metaprogramming (Code Generation). Moose is a better choice for serious, modern Perl programs larger than a couple of hundred lines, but you will likely encounter bare-bones Perl 5 OO in existing code.

The default Perl 5 object constructor is a method which creates and blesses a reference. By convention, constructors have the name new(), but this is not a requirement. Constructors are also almost always class methods:

    sub new
        my $class = shift;
        bless {}, $class;

bless takes two arguments, the reference to associate with a class and the name of a class. You may use bless outside of a constructor or a class--though abstraction recommends the use of the method. The class name does not have to exist yet.

By design, this constructor receives the class name as the method's invocant. It's possible, but inadvisable, to hard-code the name of a class directly. The parametric constructor allows reuse of the method through inheritance, delegation, or exporting.

The type of reference makes no difference when invoking methods on the object. It only governs how the object stores instance data--the object's own information. Hash references are most common, but you can bless any type of reference:

    my $array_obj  = bless [], $class;
    my $scalar_obj = bless \$scalar, $class;
    my $sub_obj    = bless \&some_sub, $class;

Whereas classes built with Moose define their own object attributes declaratively, Perl 5's default OO is lax. A class representing basketball players which stores jersey number and position might use a constructor like:

    package Player;

    sub new
        my ($class, %attrs) = @_;

        bless \%attrs, $class;

... and create players with:

    my $joel = Player->new(
        number   => 10,
        position => 'center',

    my $jerryd = Player->new(
        number   => 4,
        position => 'guard',

Within the body of the class, methods can access hash elements directly:

    sub format
        my $self = shift;
        return '#' . $self->{number} . ' plays ' . $self->{position};

Yet so can any code outside of the class. This violates encapsulation--in particular, it means that you can never change the object's internal representation without breaking external code or perpetuating ugly hacks--so it's safer to provide accessor methods:

    sub number   { return shift->{number}   }
    sub position { return shift->{position} }

Even with two attributes, Moose is much more appealing in terms of code you don't have to write.

Method Lookup and Inheritance

Besides instance data, the other part of objects is method dispatch. Given an object (a blessed reference), a method call of the form:

    my $number = $joel->number();

... looks up the name of the class associated with the blessed reference $joel. In this case, the class is Player. Next, Perl looks for a function named number in the Player package. If the Player class inherits from another class, Perl looks in the parent class (and so on and so on) until it finds a number method. If one exists, Perl calls it with $joel as an invocant.

Moose classes store their inheritance information in a metamodel which provides additional abilities on top of Perl 5's default OO system.

In the default system, every class stores information about its parents in a package global variable named @ISA. The method dispatcher looks in a class's @ISA to find the names of parent classes in which to search for the appropriate method. Thus, an InjuredPlayer class might contain Player in its @ISA. You could write this relationship as:

    package InjuredPlayer;

    @InjuredPlayer::ISA = 'Player';

Many existing Perl 5 projects do this, but it's easier and simpler to use the parent pragma instead:

    package InjuredPlayer;

    use parent 'Player';

You may inherit from multiple parent classes:

    package InjuredPlayer;

    use parent qw( Player Hospital::Patient );

Perl 5 has traditionally preferred a depth-first search of parents when resolving method dispatch. That is to say, if InjuredPlayer inherits from both Player and Hospital::Patient, a method call on an InjuredPlayer instance will dispatch first to InjuredPlayer, then Player, then any of Player's parents before dispatching in Hospital::Patient.

Perl 5.10 also added a pragma called mro which allows you to use a different method resolution scheme called C3. While the specific details can get complex in the case of complex multiple inheritance hierarchies, the important difference is that method resolution will visit all children of a parent before visiting the parent.

While other techniques such as roles (Roles) and Moose method modifiers allow you to avoid multiple inheritance, the mro pragma can help avoid surprising behavior with method dispatch. Enable it in your class with:

    package InjuredPlayer;

    use mro 'c3';

Unless you're writing a complex framework with multiple interoperable plugins, you likely never need to use this.


If there is no applicable method in the invocant's class or any of its superclasses, Perl 5 will next look for an AUTOLOAD function in every class according to the selected method resolution order. Perl will invoke any AUTOLOAD (AUTOLOAD) it finds to provide or decline the desired method.

As you might expect, this can get quite complex in the face of multiple inheritance and multiple potential AUTOLOAD targets.

Method Overriding and SUPER

You may override methods in the default Perl 5 OO system as well as in Moose. Unfortunately, core Perl 5 provides no mechanism for indicating your intent to override a parent's method. Worse yet, any function you predeclare, declare, or import into the child class may override a method in the parent class simply by existing and having the same name. While you may forget to use the override system of Moose, you have no such protection (even optional) in the default Perl 5 OO system.

To override a method in a child class, declare a method of the same name as the method in the parent. Within an overridden method, call the parent method with the SUPER:: dispatch hint:

    sub overridden
        my $self = shift;
        warn "Called overridden() in child!";
        return $self->SUPER::overridden( @_ );

The SUPER:: prefix to the method name tells the method dispatcher to dispatch to the named method in a parent implementation. You may pass any arguments to it you like, but it's safest to reuse @_.

Strategies for Coping with Blessed References

Avoid AUTOLOAD where possible. If you must use it, use forward declarations of your functions (Declaring Functions) to help Perl know which AUTOLOAD will provide the method implementation.

Use accessor methods rather than accessing instance data directly through the reference. This applies even within the bodies of methods within the class itself. Generating these yourself can be tedious; if you can't use Moose, consider using a module such as Class::Accessor to avoid repetitive boilerplate.

Expect that someone, somewhere will eventually need to subclass (or delegate to or reimplement the interface of) your classes. Make it easier for them by not assuming details of the internals of your code, by using the two-argument form of bless, and by breaking your classes into the smallest responsible units of code.

Do not mix functions and methods in the same class.

Use a single .pm file for each class, unless the class is a small, self-contained helper used from a single place.

Consider using Moose and Any::Moose instead of bare-bones Perl 5 OO; they can interact with vanilla classes and objects with ease, alleviate almost of the tedium of declaring classes, and provide more and better features.


Reflection (or introspection) is the process of asking a program about itself as it runs. Even though you can write many useful programs without ever having to use reflection, techniques such as metaprogramming (Code Generation) benefit from a deeper understanding of which entities are in the system.

Class::MOP (Class::MOP) simplifies many reflection tasks for object systems, but many useful programs do not use objects pervasively, and many useful programs do not use Class::MOP. Several idioms exist for using reflection effectively in the absence of such a formal system. These are the most common.

Checking that a Package Exists

To check that a package exists somewhere in the system--that is, if some code somewhere has executed a package directive with a given name--check that the package inherits from UNIVERSAL by testing that the package somehow provides the can() method:

    say "$pkg exists" if eval { $pkg->can( 'can' ) };

Although you may use packages with the names 0 and '' (footnote: ... only if you define them symbolically, as these are not identifiers forbidden by the Perl 5 parser.), the can() method will throw a method invocation exception if you use them as invocants. The eval block catches such an exception.

You could also grovel through the symbol table, but this approach is quicker and easier to understand.

Checking that a Class Exists

Because Perl 5 makes no strong distinction between packages and classes, the same technique for checking the existence of a package works for checking that a class exists. There is no generic way for determining if a package is a class. You can check that the package can() provide new(), but there is no guarantee that any new() found is a method, nor a constructor.

Checking that a Module Has Loaded

If you know the name of a module, you can check that Perl believes it has loaded that module from disk by looking in the %INC hash. This hash corresponds to @INC; when Perl 5 loads code with use or require, it stores an entry in %INC where the key is the file path of the module to load and the value is the full path on disk to that module. In other words, loading Modern::Perl effectively does:

    $INC{'Modern/Perl.pm'} =

The details of the path will vary depending on your installation, but for the purpose of testing that Perl has successfully loaded a module, you can convert the name of the module into the canonical file form and test for existence within %INC:

    sub module_loaded
        (my $modname = shift) =~ s!::!/!g;
        return exists $INC{ $modname . '.pm' };

Nothing prevents other code from manipulating %INC itself. Depending on your paranoia level, you may check the path and the expected contents of the package yourself. Some modules (such as Test::MockObject or Test::MockModule) manipulate %INC for good reasons. Code which manipulates %INC for poor reasons deserves replacing.

Checking the Version of a Module

There is no guarantee that a given module provides a version. Even so, all modules inherit from UNIVERSAL (The UNIVERSAL Package), so they all have a VERSION() method available:

    my $mod_ver = $module->VERSION();

If the given module does not override VERSION() or contain a package variable $VERSION, the method will return an undefined value. Likewise, if the module does not exist, the method call will fail.

Checking that a Function Exists

The simplest mechanism by which to determine if a function exists is to use the can() method on the package name:

    say "$func() exists" if $pkg->can( $func );

Perl will throw an exception unless $pkg is a valid invocant; wrap the method call in an eval block if you have any doubts about its validity. Beware that a function implemented in terms of AUTOLOAD() (AUTOLOAD) may report the wrong answer if the function's package does not also override can() correctly. This is a bug in the other package.

You may use this technique to determine if a module's import() has imported a function into the current namespace:

    say "$func() imported!" if __PACKAGE__->can( $func );

You may also root around in the symbol table and typeglobs to determine if a function exists, but this mechanism is simpler and easier to explain.

Checking that a Method Exists

There is no generic way to determine whether a given function is a function or a method. Some functions behave as both functions and methods; though this is overly complex and usually a mistake, it is an allowed feature.

Rooting Around in Symbol Tables

A Perl 5 symbol table is a special type of hash, where the keys are the names of package global symbols and the values are typeglobs. A typeglob is a core data structure which can contain any or all of a scalar, an array, a hash, a filehandle, and a function. Perl 5 uses typeglobs internally when it looks up these variables.

You can access a symbol table as a hash by appending double-colons to the name of the package. For example, the symbol table for the MonkeyGrinder package is available as %MonkeyGrinder::.

You can test the existence of specific symbol names within a symbol table with the exists operator (or manipulate the symbol table to add or remove symbols, if you like). Yet be aware that certain changes to the Perl 5 core have modified what exists by default in each typeglob entry. In particular, earlier versions of Perl 5 have always provided a default scalar variable for every typeglob created, while modern versions of Perl 5 do not.

See the "Symbol Tables" section in perldoc perlmod for more details, then prefer the other techniques in this section for reflection.

Advanced OO Perl

Creating and using objects in Perl 5 with Moose (Moose) is easy. Designing good object systems is not. Additional capabilities for abstraction also offer possibilities for obfuscation. Only practical experience can help you understand the most important design techniques... but several principles can guide you.

Favor Composition Over Inheritance

Novice OO designs often overuse inheritance for two reasons: to reuse as much code as possible and to exploit as much polymorphism as possible. It's common to see class hierarchies which try to model all of the behavior for entities within the system in a single class. This adds a conceptual overhead to understanding the system, because you have to understand the hierarchy. It adds technical weight to every class, because conflicting responsibilities and methods may obstruct necessary behaviors or future modifications.

The encapsulation provided by classes offers better ways to organize code. You don't have to inherit from superclasses to provide behavior to users of objects. A Car object does not have to inherit from a Vehicle::Wheeled object (an is-a relationship); it can contain several Wheel objects as instance attributes (a has-a relationship).

Decomposing complex classes into smaller, focused entities (whether classes or roles) improves encapsulation and reduces the possibility that any one class or role will grow to do too much. Smaller, simpler, and better encapsulated entities are easier to understand, test, and maintain.

Single Responsibility Principle

When you design your object system, model the problem in terms of responsibilities, or reasons why each specific entity may need to change. For example, an Employee object may represent specific information about a person's name, contact information, and other personal data, while a Job object may represent business responsibilities. A simple design might conflate the two into a single entity, but separating them allows the Employee class to consider only the problem of managing information specific to who the person is and the Job class to represent what the person does. (Two Employees may have a Job-sharing arrangement, for example.)

When each class has a single responsibility, you can improve the encapsulation of class-specific data and behaviors and reduce coupling between classes.

Don't Repeat Yourself

Complexity and duplication complicate development and maintenance activities. The DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself) is a reminder to seek out and to eliminate duplication within the system. Duplication exists in many forms, in data as well as in code. Instead of repeating configuration information, user data, and other artifacts within your system, find a single, canonical representation of that information from which you can generate all of the other artifacts.

This principle helps to reduce the possibility that important parts of your system can get unsynchronized, and helps you to find the optimal representation of the system and its data.

Liskov Substitution Principle

The Liskov substitution principle suggests that subtypes of a given type (specializations of a class or role or subclasses of a class) should be substitutable for the parent type without narrowing the types of data they receive or expanding the types of data they produce. In other words, they should be as general as or more general at what they expect and as specific as or more specific about what they produce.

Imagine two classes, Dessert and PecanPie. The latter subclasses the former. If the classes follow the Liskov substitution principle, you can replace every use of Dessert objects with PecanPie objects in the test suite, and everything should pass (footnote: See Reg Braithwaite's "IS-STRICTLY-EQUIVALENT-TO-A" for more details, http://weblog.raganwald.com/2008/04/is-strictly-equivalent-to.html.).

Subtypes and Coercions

Moose allows you to declare and use types and extend them through subtypes to form ever more specialized descriptions of what your data represents and how it behaves. You can use these type annotations to verify that the data on which you want to work in specific functions or methods is appropriate and even to specify mechanisms by which to coerce data of one type to data of another type.

See Moose::Util::TypeConstraints and MooseX::Types for more information.


A common pattern among programmers new to object orientation is to treat objects as if they were bundles of records which use methods to get and set internal values. While this is simple to implement and easy to understand, it can lead to the unfortunate temptation to spread the behavioral responsibilities among individual classes throughout the system.

The most useful technique to working with objects effectively is to tell them what to do, not how to do it. If you find yourself accessing the instance data of objects (even through accessor methods), you may have too much access to the responsibilities of the class.

One approach to preventing this behavior is to consider objects as immutable. Pass in all of the relevant configuration data to their constructors, then disallow any modifications of this information from outside the class. Do not expose any methods to mutate instance data.

Some designs go as far as to prohibit the modification of instance data within the class itself, though this is much more difficult to achieve.